
Membership in Dixon Historical Cemetery Association is open to any person who pays their dues, or is voted a member by the membership, and complies with the provisions of the Bylaws.

You can join at anytime by sending your annual dues and your contact information to the treasurer. In addition, cash donations of any size are welcomed and appreciated. Checks should be made out to “Dixon Cemetery Fund”.

Members are allowed free access to the “Members Only” historical and genealogical information on our website. A Member can cast one vote at any members meeting and is eligible to be nominated for any position in any election.

Annual dues are set each year prior to the September Annual Meeting and is typically $25 for an individual or $35 for a Family Membership which allows a maximum of two votes.

Members and friends of the cemetery are welcomed at our work party events when we clear, maintain and improve the burial grounds.

If you would like to learn more or join us in our work, you can fill out the contact form on this page.